Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2 week check-up

Keaton had his 2 week check-up this morning. He's now a whopping 9lbs 13oz (almost 2 lbs more than his birth weight) and 22.1 inches long. He's a healthy, happy baby. He just lost his umbilical cord last night (ewwww!) so we're ready to start normal baths.

Everything else is just as peachy...slowly adjusting to life as a family of 4...though it's hard with all the company we've had. The real test will start June 22nd when everyone has returned home and it's just it weird that I'm excited about that? :)


  1. It's definitely not weird that you want it just the 4 of you! You know life won't be "normal" until it is. Glad keaton is growing great! Thanks for the update!

  2. Just wanted to point out (randomly) that your About Me section over there ---> needs some updating. Particularly the part about being a mother to a beautiful little girl. :) I think you're missing
