Friday, February 27, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

3d/4d Ultrasound Pics...

Here they are...ENJOY :)

He's DEFINITELY a boy!!

He looks JUST like RYA!

Our Little Man

His hands were by his face the entire time

Already a thumb sucker!!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just in case you are curious...

So - it's obvious that I have this ginormous belly. DUH! What people forget is that I was JUST AS BIG if not BIGGER with Rya. I've posted my 26wk 5 day Rya Belly photo here for comparison...

Rya is in the white - Baby Boy is in the red. BTW...still no name. We're working on it :)

Friday, February 20, 2009


Thought I would post the latest belly shot and then head off to bed...I'm POOPED!!! Tomorrow we have our 3d/4d ultrasound, so stay tuned...

26 weeks 4 days

Friday, February 13, 2009

A moment for myself...

I've been asked lately if I've done any writing. The answer to that is simple - no. There is little time these days and way too much going on in my mind. While I find inspiration in every smile that crosses my daughter's beautiful little face, finding the time to sit and type it all out just never happens.

What am I doing right now then, you ask? Well...I've been blog inspired. Hence the reason I'm on here and not staring at an MS Word screen at the moment. Afterall, this blog is about Mommyhood and that includes the millions of thought bubbles swirling around in my mind. So, this will probably be a bunch of rambling nonsense...seemingly meaningless, but important nonetheless.

***In a few months, I will be a Mommy of two! Exciting and scary all at the same time. I often wonder how I can possibly manage to divide my time between these 2 little people who will both need me so very much. I know that I will have to make the extra effort to spend time with Rya so she doesn't feel like Baby Boy has taken over the world. I also know that once he's here, life will eventually fall into place...but it doesn't mean I worry about it any less.

***In a week, we will host Rya's 2 year Birthday Day party! Where has the time gone? This time around, it's an Elmo theme (shocker, I know) including a pull-string Elmo, huh?! Stay tuned for pictures.

***We have yet to decide on a name for this little boy flipping and kicking in my belly. Part of me feels like he should already have a name...the other part is just amazed at how hard it is to think of and decide on a suitable name. Maybe it's because we chose such a unique name for Rya, that we now feel Little Man's name has to be just as great. Good going McCormacks! ;)

***We're in the process of packing up our house. We will be moving into Chandler here shortly, which will put us closer to my sister-in-law and our friends. Funny thing is that we always seem to move when I'm pregnant and can't do much. On one hand, it's a "get off free" card. On the other, it's frustrating not being able to do as much as I would like. Shoot - one box packed and I'm exhausted :) I'll keep everyone posted and will send out our new address as soon as we have one. We're looking at more houses today so keep your fingers crossed.

***In this crazy time, I'm thankful that the hubby and I still have jobs and are keeping our family happy and healthy. I pray for those who are struggling and hope that something happens soon to right this terrible mess we're in.

***I'm sure this list could go on and on forever, but I think I will end it here for now. To put thought to screen is a very refreshing feeling. It helps me sort out the thoughts in my mind and let's you all see a side of me that you otherwise would not. Some will be boring, some will be exciting...but over all I hope you follow along on this journey I like to call Mommyhood. It's sure to be an interesting ride :)