Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And we've arrived at the weekly appointments

So here we are with less than 30 days to go. The doc today said that everything is still looking good. I'm still measuring bigger than my due date, but since the ultrasound last week showed Rya was right on target, they aren't too concerned. I did ask about induction...and because I've been measuring big, they think it's justifiable to be induced on my due date rather than letting me go over. The risk of the baby growing too big and the increased risk of a c-section if I were to go much past my due date would be greater and I'm not really willing to risk it. They'll monitor Rya's growth over the next couple of weeks and may even decide to induce me earlier than March 1st if needed. Definitely stay tuned for up to date information on the expectant birth of Rya Faith.

Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. Rya is moving like crazy, and there are moments where I'm sure she's going to push her own way out of my tummy! Those little elbows (or knees or whatever) pack a punch...let me tell you :)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ultrasound Update

Hello avid readers!

Just a quick update - we had an ultrasound this afternoon. Rya is measuring exactly where she should be...although the tech said her belly is the biggest measurement. I told Roy that she is definitely taking after him haha! She weighed in at approx. 5 lbs, so we should be looking at somewhere between 6-7 lbs at birth. I think I can handle that. I'll go over all of the results with my doc at my next appointment on Wednesday. You can expect another update then. The pics we got weren't very good...mostly because she's so squished in there. Didn't really see a need to post them, as even I can barely tell what I'm looking at.

Everything else is good...have been feeling pretty uncomfortable, but nothing I can't handle (though Roy may have to listen to a little more whining than normal - poor Roy!) The nursery has stalled a bit until we get the changing table delivered. Should be here sometime in the next couple of weeks - and THEN we will finally be able to get it completed.

And that about covers it folks. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay safe and have fun!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just an update...

Just a few quick updates. I had a doc appointment yesterday. They say I'm measuring further along than previously a week from today I go for another ultrasound to see how big our Little Rya has gotten. If you haven't noticed...I'm HUGE (see below)! Not sure what they'll do if she's bigger than expected...guess we'll have to wait and find out. Everything else was fine...her heart rate was good and my blood pressure is still normal. The doc said that some of the pressure and weird pains I've been feeling could be irregular contractions...but nothing major.

We had our last childbirth prep class last night. Got a lot of information on c-sections and epidurals. Roy almost passed out when he saw the needle they use (seriously...he got all red and had to look away). When the lady passed it around, he had to turn his head and cover his eyes when I was check'n it out...LOL! Yeah, he's not allowed to be around when that time comes. I don't need him falling to the floor!

The nursery is coming along...should have it completed in the next week or so if I can get motivated :)

That's about it. Everything is just chugging along and each day brings us that much closer to holding our little girl for the first time. Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me. Oh, and here's an updated picture for you all...taken last night :)