Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I have BLUE on the brain...


I just returned from the all-telling ultrasound and yes, you read that right. It's a boy!! We're absolutely THRILLED. Rya is going to have a baby brother :)

Our little guy is weighing in at a whopping 10 oz. He has a heart rate of 148 bpm. I'm right on schedule for a due date of 5/25/08 - but because I will be having a scheduled c-section, they will be performing the surgery about a week before. It's currently being scheduled with the hospital, so as soon as they call me with the final date and time I will update you all.

Little man is moving like crazy - never stopping during the entire ultrasound. I'm feeling him move, but it's still pretty light. Other than that - all is perfect. Thank you for all of your prayers. We truly appreciate all of your support :)
Profile Shot
Frontal view
Showing his man-parts to the world :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Quick Pic update...

Here is the baby bump at 18wks 3 days. I'll post a full blog after the all exciting appointment on Tuesday :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

15 Week Update

Well, I'm 15 weeks 2 days today and yes...I've already got quite a "bump" going on. Take a gander at the newest picture below. YIKES! I'm feeling pretty good, though I still find myself exhausted by the end of the day. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going well. Heard a nice strong heartbeat - 146 bpm. The all-telling ultrasound is scheduled for December 30th. Will it be pink or blue...let the bets begin ;) At my next appointment, also on the 30th, I'll be scheduling my c-section. I'm ready to have my date and time set so I can begin to plan for the after effects. My grandparents might be coming into town for a couple of weeks to help us around the house and to help with Rya since I'll have limited mobility and a newborn on my hands.

So, that's it for now. We've been pretty busy with Thanksgiving and preparing for our trip to SC next week. Can't WAIT!! If I don't get on here before, have a VERY Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy this time with family and friends and be thankful for everything little blessing that comes your way!