Sunday, March 29, 2009

57 days to go...

It's been forever since an update, but everything has been pretty quiet. I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and everything is perfect. The doctor and nurse practitioners say that I am having a "text book" pregnancy...all levels, tests, weight, size, etc are exactly where they should be. Little Man is SUPER active and - according to the doc - likes to stretch his legs and arms STRAIGHT out, which feels VERY strange...let me tell you. This time around, I'm a little more uncomfortable as he's sitting really low. For those of you out there that have had children, it's reached the point where it feels like I'm sitting on the poor kids head anytime I sit down...not an enjoyable feeling. There are also moments where I can actually feel him pressing against my belly - and you can discern a body part. I definitely don't remember that with Rya - she was further back. I've got 2 more appointments before I start going every week.

Time sure has flown by. I'm on schedule for my c-section on May 19th...and man, am I ready to have my body back!! This pregnancy has gone by pretty fast - and pretty quietly - but these last couple of months are dragging. Can't wait to meet my little boy!! By the way...NO NAMES YET...but we're working on it :)

As for everything else...we moved from Mesa to Gilbert. I haven't taken any pictures yet (they're coming soon, promise) because I've been trying to get unpacked. It's happening slower than I had hoped, but don't fret, we're almost done.

Rya is doing FABULOUSLY! She's getting into potty training...will go on the potty when she first wakes up and before baths/bed. As for during the day, well, it's hit and miss. Daycare is working with her so we're hoping that the combination of home and "school" will help her understand. According to the director, we shouldn't get discouraged since she's still in what they call the "young 2's" since she just turned 2 and most kids aren't ready to potty train until 2.5 or 3 on average. Plus, there will probably be regression once the baby is here so we're just taking things slowly and letting her go at her own pace. No sense in pushing. Other than that, she loves to sing songs (alphabet, itsy bitsy spider, monkeys on a bed, twinkle twinkle, etc.) A couple weeks ago, she walked up to me and said - "the wolf mommy, he puffs and puffs and blows the house down". LOL! It was the funniest thing I had ever heard!! Some times I'm amazed at how fast she's growing up!!

I guess that's about it for now. There's a ton of other stuff to blog about, but I at least covered the major points. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rya's Party

Just a quick slide show of pics from Rya's 2nd Birthday Party. ENJOY :)