Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What's in a name??

So I just realized that I hadn't posted on this very important topic...

Roy and I have decided on a name. (After much debate and him telling me that my ideas were too 'old-lady sounding' - pshhhh!!).

Because McCormack is a longer last name with all the hard syllables, we wanted a first name that was short and sweet. The name we choose will actually give her Roy's initials - at least until she gets married. So what is it you ask??? Our little girl's name will be...

(pronounced Rye-a, like rye bread with a soft a)

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm sorry - are you talking to me??

What is it about pregnancy that turns your average, everyday person (ya know, the kind that would typically ignore you and move on) to the chatty, wanna-be-your-best friend type of people?? Up until recently, I led a nice quiet existence. I could walk into a store, bank, etc and go pretty much unnoticed and unbothered. Now all of a sudden everyone and their mothers are striking up conversations.

Today was a perfect example. I head to the bank on my lunch time and the teller starts asking me if I'm pregnant and is it a boy or girl - blah, blah, blah. Then she asks when I'm due. I tell her March 1st and watch as her eyes go wide. Then she says "wow, you've got a ways to go yet...there's nothin to you so I guess the baby has nowhere to go but out." I'm not sure if that's a compliment or her way of telling me "DAMN GIRL, you're HUGE!"

Less then 5 minutes later I'm standing at the Subway counter ordering my lunch. This old guy enters (yes, unfortunately it's snowbird season and they're flocking back here by the dozens) and before he takes 2 steps into the place, he shouts out - for everyone to hear - "If that's what this place does to you when you eat here, maybe I should leave now" and proceeds to point at me.

Believe it or not, I'm not terribly upset by the growing number of conversations I'm having with perfect strangers. That's probably a shocker for those of you who know me as being super quiet and shy. It will definitely be a challenge for me though, as I'm not used to opening up to people I don't know.

Guess the next step is all the weirdos who will come up and just start touching my belly. Conversation is one thing - invading my bubble is something else entirely. Maybe I should have shirts printed that say "Back away from the belly!!"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

About time!

Well, it took me over 2 weeks to get the ultrasound pictures scanned in (blame it on the chaos of the move and the craziness of last week). BUT - here they are for your viewing pleasure :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

20 Weeks Pic

Just another update - this time with the latest Belly pic. I think I've already outgrown Mom when she was 7 mos prego with me. I've included that pic for comparison :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Halfway Point

Well, today I reached the halfway point. Yup - I'm 20 weeks with 20 left to go. It's pretty crazy how quickly time is flying by.

Nothing new to report really. I think I may have felt our little girl move, but it hasn't been anything significant yet. I guess due to her location, it's hindering me from feeling her movements much, but that should change within the next couple of weeks when they start getting stronger.

For anyone interested, there should be more information out shortly about a possible "Internet Baby Shower". With all my friends and family scattered across the country, we thought this might be the easiest way to do it. I've started registries at a couple sites and all the info will be included. [NOTE: this is by no means a solicitation - it's only for those who have made comments about it]

Otherwise, life has been chaotic as usual. Roy is feeling pretty crappy with a severe toothache. The dentist has him on antibiotics and some pain meds to get him by until the infection is gone and he can get the treatments he needs. We don't have dental insurance, so that's going to be a hefty out-of-pocket sum.

Then, yesterday morning I was in the shower and the faucet came shooting off the wall and hit my foot. I'm thinking it's just badly bruised, but it still hurts if I walk too much or put too much pressure on it. We've got a friend coming over this morning to help us fix it. More money out of pocket!

So that's the update for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Take care and keep in touch!!

Monday, October 2, 2006


Roy got his wish :) We're both absolutely ecstatic!! Now it's time to decide on a name and start shopping for adorable little things for the nursery! Wow - it was amazing to see our little girl move around and even throw some punches (which I'm not feeling yet). I hope to get the ultrasound pics up here shortly :) YAY!!!!