Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Are you tired of all the pictures yet??

Just a few updated pictures. This is me at 26 weeks 5 days! Only about a week to go before I hit the third trimester. Supposedly this is the time when little Rya will almost triple in weight...I'm just hoping that doesn't mean that I'm going to get even BIGGER! Yikes!! :)

Ok, there's only so much stretching skin can do...

And mine is about at it's limits!!


Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving slideshow

Just thought I'd share our Thanksgiving pics with all of you! Hope everyone had a GREAT day!!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What a day...

It's definitely been one of THOSE days! Work was hectic...was late for my doctor appointment (which by the way, turned out completely normal)...then, I get home and I had to pack up all of my cats things because their new owner came to pick them up. It's seriously like losing two of my babies. I'm trying to stay calm and not get too emotional, but I can't seem to stop crying. I had been having some behavioral issues with them ever since I got pregnant. The vet says it has something to do with my hormones. Still - it SUCKS!

Ok, enough are some updated pictures for you all (24 wks 5 days):

Thursday, November 2, 2006

23 Week Pictures

So this is me at 23 weeks. Not quite 6 months and already this big...should be some interesting pictures come 8 and 9 months!! Hahaha :)