Thursday, December 27, 2007

10 Month Update

Rya turned 10 months on Christmas Day (I'm a little late, but the Holidays were pretty hectic). We had a blast watching her try to unwrap all of her presents. I had to clean out her closet and her play area to accomodate all the new stuff. She really is spoiled rotten :)

She's walking more and more every day. She always wants to run but ends up plopping down on her bottom. Speed is not quite her thing yet - but it'll come soon, I'm sure. She points at EVERYTHING! That's not an exaggeration either. If you're holding her she'll find something to point at...sometimes with both hands pointing in opposite directions (sort of like the scarecrow in Wizard of Oz).

She's also mastered the technique of dropping something and then saying "Uh-oh". As you can imagine, this happens pretty frequently now. She's got a few new of them being "Art". When she started pointing, Roy would take her up to the artwork on our walls and tell her "art". Now just about everything is "art"...even the pot from her new kitchen set. The other new word is "Alex" (after our female Chihuahua). She actually calls both of our dogs and even her toy dog all "Alex". The newest word is "UP" which I'm sure will catch on very quickly - lucky me - ha! It's pretty amazing to watch her try to pick up new words...she'll sit there and watch your mouth as you talk like she's taking it all in. Smart little bugger :)

She's got all four of her front teeth now - both top and bottom. We've started her on more solid foods and some table foods from our plates. She eats anything...Debra at daycare has to watch her around the older kid's food because she'll take stuff right out of their hands (things like gummy bears and raisins that she can't have yet).

And...if you've watched the latest video, she now loves to dance. Any time she hears music, she'll start bouncing or moving front to back. It's really cute :) Debra also has a Tigger toy that bounces and when he starts going, all the kids start bouncing up and down...haha! I need to catch that on video.

I think that about covers it. It seems like in the past week she's just learned a TON of new stuff. She really amazes me with how fast she learns. Mommy and Daddy are so PROUD :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just a short one...

Hello family - just a short picture update, then it's off to bed. The first picture isn't really of Rya at all, but thought you might like to see who we got to meet...

Yuppers - that's us with DANE COOK 12/6/07!!

Rya's first visit with Santa - she was captivated by him


So that concludes this edition of picture update. Stay tuned for more later this week ;)