Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October Picture Update

Here is a short slide show with the latest and greatest pictures of Rya Faith. We got her play area set up and it's SOOO cute. Now she has a safe place to play, and if she takes a tumble, doesn't get any major injuries. She got her first cold and fever on Thursday thanks to daycare (gotta love mothers who refuse to medicate their sick child) and then Roy had it by Saturday. Luckily, I've been given a reprieve this time around **fingers crossed**. She's started using a sippy cup - doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, but we're working on it. She also waved "hello" for the first time on Saturday, but that's still pretty irregular at this point. It was more of a mimick action than really understanding what it meant - though it was still cute :) We're gearing up for Halloween, which is just around the corner...can't wait. Stay tuned for tons of pics of Rya in her first costume :)