Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Toe Fetish

Just a couple pictures of Rya's new past time - sucking on her toe. YUM!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Happy 4 Month Birthday Rya!

Rya is 4 months old TODAY! I can't believe it. Our little girl is growing up soooo fast. She had her 4 month check up this morning. 2 nasty shots in each leg...poor thing! She was a trooper though - even got cute little Bugs Bunny band aids.

She now weighs 14 pounds...which is in the 50th percentile - right where she should be. Her head measurement was 16 - just at the 50th percentile. She's now 26.5 inches long - which puts her OFF THE CHARTS!! She's soooo long. The doctor said she's going to take after daddy...ha! The doctor was also VERY impressed that Rya's already rolling front to back/back to front and starting to commando crawl. She's ahead of the curve there too.

She's really starting to reach for and grasp objects now. Her favorites are her plastic rattle that she loves to shove in her mouth and her Baby Einstein turtle with the teethers on the end. She's been in the pool a couple times now and is starting to love the water. Still have to be careful with the sun since we can't use sunblock for another 2 months.

The other big change is that we get to start rice cereal today. This should be interesting! Then next month, it's on to vegetables. Fun stuff!

The doctor is still monitoring her sternum (chest). Right now it's not bothering her and she's growing normally. They'll continue to watch it and may decide to take xrays later on if it becomes an issue. Most of the time it becomes less noticeable as the child gets bigger.

So, that about sums up our news for the day. We've got a beautiful, healthy baby girl who's growing like a weed. Now we're just anxiously awaiting our trip to Rockford to see friends and family...CAN'T WAIT :)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day

A picture of Roy and Rya wearing Roy's Father's Day present :) I think she just woke up, which is why she looks so ticked off - HA!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Braggin' Again...

Sometimes I'm simply amazed when I look at Rya. How fast she's growing, how quickly she's learning about the world around her, the wonder in her eyes as she takes everything in and how you can slowly see the comprehension and recollection.

As a very proud new Mommy, I thought I'd update you on the latest. She's now rolling over back to front, front to back. She's got the continuous roll thing going on. That tends to be pretty interesting since she'll end up quite a ways away from where you set her down. Then the other day I set her down on her blanket (actually, it's Aunt Michelle's blanket that Rya has sort of taken over). She was on her back "watching" whatever happened to be on TV. I walked into the kitchen to get something, came back, and there she was...about 3-4 feet from where I had left her...with her head hanging over the blanket's edge. Now, ok...so she can roll left and right - we know this, that's why we set her in the middle of the blanket. But I couldn't figure out how she had managed to scoot UP the blanket as well.

Turns out...Rya has learned to commando crawl. She pushes off the floor with her feet and uses her forearm or hands to drag herself forward. She doesn't get very far yet, but I have a feeling true crawling is only days away. When I got her out of her crib this morning, she was on her belly, with her face in the corner of her crib. Sarah - if the bumper hadn't been there, I would've gotten to experience the "jailbird" effect you told me about .

Anyways...that's the exciting news here. My little girl is almost CRAWLING already!! Geesh...she'll be asking for my car keys before I know it! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pictures from yesterday's party

Here you go...a day of fun in the sun at Renee and Paco's housewarming party :)

Friday, June 1, 2007

3 Month Professional Pics

Last Saturday, I took Rya to JC Penney to have her 3 month pictures taken. They did an AWESOME job. A few of my favorites are below.