Wednesday, August 27, 2008

18 months and counting...

Well, it's been 18 months since our little Rya Faith was born. She's now 23 pounds (between the 25-50 percentile), 33 and 3/4 inches long (95th percentile), with a head measurement of almost 19 inches (80th percentile). Unfortunately, she has inherited her mother's allergies. We got the approval to start giving her children's Zyrtec to help combat the runny nose, itchy eyes, and cough.

She now has her upper molars and is in the process of getting her bottom. She's talking ALOT...keys, fish, shoes, mine, etc. etc. She has also started multi-word sentences..."Hi Dada", "No more bites", "My shoes". She can put her shoes on...not always on the right feet, but it's a start. She has also figured out how to open the latch on the fridge door at Daycare...a feat even the 2 year olds have yet to figure out. She is a little swimmer - getting better and better every time in the pool. With some suggestions from the Pediatrician, we're going to get a little more dedicated to the potty training...especially since she's now telling us when she's gone "poo" or "pee pee". Maybe I can convince Daycare to join in...if not, at least we'll be ahead of the game come 2's time.

The new daycare is 100 times better...though the 1's room is going through a bit of a "biting crisis" at the moment. Seems like if she's not getting bit, then she's the one doing the biting...I can't WAIT for this phase to pass!!

She's doing and saying so much more everyday...we're constantly surprised. Oh...and she still LOVES Elmo!! What will she be doing 6 months from now...only time will tell. I can't believe it's even that close!! I was always told that children grow up right before your eyes...and now I know just how true that is.

Stay tuned...there's sure to be more to come!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pics from Rockford '08

Here is a slideshow of the pictures from our Rockford Trip '08. There aren't any captions yet, but I'm going to try to get them done check back :)