Tuesday, September 25, 2007

7 months old and growing...

My baby girl is 7 months old today! We've passed the halfway mark and are heading for that BIG milestone...1 YEAR. Geesh, I'm not sure I'm ready for that :) Thank goodness I have 5 more months to prepare...though if they go as fast as these last 7 months, it won't make a difference.

As for Rya...she's doing fabulously. She's crawling, pulling herself up on everything to stand up, babbling all the time, letting me know when she's NOT happy, and so much more. She's a smart one...at daycare, there is a walker that has a tray on front where Debra keeps small snacks for the kids (Cheerios, Fruit Loops, etc.). Well, Rya sees the older kids grab stuff all day long and finally decided that she wanted to give it a go. Debra looked over and there was Rya with a handful of Cheerios. We're not giving her solid foods like that yet, but I guess she decided that she was ready for them anyways (even with no teeth). We'll see how all that goes. Baby food doesn't seem to be all that appealing to her (with the exception of apple sauce and sweet potatoes - she LOVES those 2 things) so I might call the pediatrician and see what's ok for her to have.

And...as always...a few pictures that we've taken lately. We're hoping to get our living room set up with a giant area rug and some gates so she can have her own little safe play area with all of the toys we're starting to collect. I'll make sure to take pics when we finally have it set up.

Her new Leap Frog Toy...

We got it off Craigslist at 50% off the original price :)

Yup - still sucking the thumb and holding her "blankie"

Her and Alex are still bestest buds

She decided that she needed to explore under her bouncer...Mom went into a panic because she didn't see her right away :)

This is Rya with Uncle Nic (Roy's sister Michelle's boyfriend). She adores him...

and his hat too :) We just might need to find her a little hat of her own.

And finally - a picture of my 2 favorite people :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

More, more, more...

Just a quick picture update...she's growing up SO fast!!

This is what Dad found when he got her out of the car - she was completely ASLEEP!

Her new ducky tub

She LOVES the little plastic duck!!

One of her cool onesies created by Jen

Can we say ATTITUDE??

EVERYTHING goes in the mouth!!

Getting ready for "school" (aka daycare)

The other cool onesie from Jen

We're gonna get the matching bow-headbands too :)

Her new V-Tech nursery rhyme book...she loves it!

Her new walker we got on Craigslist for $10!!

Mommy's little HAM :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Our Labor Day Mini-Vacation

On Sunday, we dropped our dogs off at Roy's sister Carlene's and the three of us headed up to Sedona for a couple days. It was an amazing trip - and the city is BEAUTIFUL!! Took lots of pictures and wanted to share them with everyone. A (long) slideshow is below :)