Saturday, July 19, 2008

Living life to the fullest...

Wow! I've gotten pretty bad at keeping this blog updated. Is it really any wonder?? I'm constantly chasing a 17 month old around the house and trying to keep her out of the dog's water dish (which she seems to think is her indoor splash pool). So here's the latest in this crazy life of mine...

My job is still going GREAT! It definitely has it's chaotic moments, but I'm no stranger to chaos :)

Roy has found work that he's really excited about. He's started working for a company that services cell towers and is making it possible for us all to have better cell service It takes him out of town on occasion, so Rya and I are adjusting to girl's nights. The Mesa PD is currently on hold.

As for Miss Rya...geez, I don't even know where to begin. She'll be a year and a half in a month and continues to surprise me every day. She's only about 22 pounds right now, so really tall and lean. She can still fit in 9 month shorts, which are finally starting to get a little tight. She's learned TONS of new words...when she's hungry she usually says eat or nummie. She now LOVES to say cookie. We've also got her saying "please" more often. She can say teeth, elbow, nose, eye, toe, and calls her belly button "butt" which we're still working on She asks for her "kitty kitty" which is a beanie baby cat. She just recently started saying "poo" when she has pooed her pants. Needless to say, we're going to start getting a little more aggressive with the potty training. She still LOVES Elmo...I think Elmo is slowly taking over my house...LOL! We've started brushing her teeth...which she thinks is just another "snack" since the toothpaste is the non-foaming kind you can swallow Which reminds me...she's currently cutting her upper molars...which means crankiness abounds at random intervals.

We've also switched her over to a facility style daycare center which has not been an easy transition. It's worse in the morning when I'm dropping her off...for the first time ever she's clingy and doesn't want to be left. I know this is normal, but it's been extremely difficult on me leaving her like that. By the time I pick her up, she's smiling and talking and just fine. Logically I know she's ok during the day, but it's affecting her personality and that bothers me. We've decided to keep her in the same "chain" of daycares but move her to a new branch on Monday that's closer to home and will hopefully help the separation anxiety...better environment, better teachers, and less switching room to room, etc. I'll keep you all posted.

We'll be heading to Rockford for a visit the first week in August - we're very excited about that. Would love to see as many of you as possible!! So...until next time - have fun, stay safe and hopefully we'll see some of you soon!!