Thursday, December 27, 2007

10 Month Update

Rya turned 10 months on Christmas Day (I'm a little late, but the Holidays were pretty hectic). We had a blast watching her try to unwrap all of her presents. I had to clean out her closet and her play area to accomodate all the new stuff. She really is spoiled rotten :)

She's walking more and more every day. She always wants to run but ends up plopping down on her bottom. Speed is not quite her thing yet - but it'll come soon, I'm sure. She points at EVERYTHING! That's not an exaggeration either. If you're holding her she'll find something to point at...sometimes with both hands pointing in opposite directions (sort of like the scarecrow in Wizard of Oz).

She's also mastered the technique of dropping something and then saying "Uh-oh". As you can imagine, this happens pretty frequently now. She's got a few new of them being "Art". When she started pointing, Roy would take her up to the artwork on our walls and tell her "art". Now just about everything is "art"...even the pot from her new kitchen set. The other new word is "Alex" (after our female Chihuahua). She actually calls both of our dogs and even her toy dog all "Alex". The newest word is "UP" which I'm sure will catch on very quickly - lucky me - ha! It's pretty amazing to watch her try to pick up new words...she'll sit there and watch your mouth as you talk like she's taking it all in. Smart little bugger :)

She's got all four of her front teeth now - both top and bottom. We've started her on more solid foods and some table foods from our plates. She eats anything...Debra at daycare has to watch her around the older kid's food because she'll take stuff right out of their hands (things like gummy bears and raisins that she can't have yet).

And...if you've watched the latest video, she now loves to dance. Any time she hears music, she'll start bouncing or moving front to back. It's really cute :) Debra also has a Tigger toy that bounces and when he starts going, all the kids start bouncing up and down...haha! I need to catch that on video.

I think that about covers it. It seems like in the past week she's just learned a TON of new stuff. She really amazes me with how fast she learns. Mommy and Daddy are so PROUD :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just a short one...

Hello family - just a short picture update, then it's off to bed. The first picture isn't really of Rya at all, but thought you might like to see who we got to meet...

Yuppers - that's us with DANE COOK 12/6/07!!

Rya's first visit with Santa - she was captivated by him


So that concludes this edition of picture update. Stay tuned for more later this week ;)

Monday, November 26, 2007

9 Month Check-Up

She's 9 months already...can you believe it?! I can't!! Craziness.

So, here's the scoop: She's 18 pounds 4 oz (just under the 50th percentile - blame it on the teething). Her head measurement is 17.5 inches which is in the 50th percentile. She's 29.5 inches long which puts her...are you ready for the 95th percentile!!! WHOA BABY! Can we say TALL?? Mommy's little model - ha!

She's clapping and walking and eating regular foods like a pro. She's ahead of the game and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be any prouder (um...more proud??...whatever, you get the point!).

Now we're anxously waiting for the big 1 year mark. That means no more formula and on to whole milk - yay! I can only imagine what she'll be doing in another 3 months. She'll probably be creating her own Blog and chatting with all of you...LOL

Friday, November 23, 2007

Picture takin' fools...

Here is a picture update. Rya turns 9 months this coming Sunday, with her doc appointment on Monday. You can expect another update then :)

She poses like a model :)

Look close - there are 2 teethies there!

Her new jumper

When diapers don't work...

Here are a couple slideshows - the first from Mexico the second from Thanksgiving:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Some pictures from Saturday night...

One of Roy's employees turned 21 on Saturday so we all went bowling. Here is a slideshow of some pictures that were taken...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Rya's First Halloween

Just a few pictures from Rya's first Halloween. We all had a blast :)

Rya's First Halloween

Dorothy & Toto

Ms. LadyBug

The McCormacks

Aunt Carlene & Rya

My little cutie

Rya and Cousin Josh

Rya & Debra - her daycare provider

Yeah - the dogs had costumes too

She LOVES to clap!

Just the girls

Can we all say World Peace?

Awww...the Mr. & Mrs.

She was in awe of the witch

She's getting so BIG!

My co-workers...(boss is in the middle)

She loves Caden

Ha - looks like she's trying to take off his pants

Her Halloween onesie

All the excitement wore her out

Sleepy little ladybug!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October Picture Update

Here is a short slide show with the latest and greatest pictures of Rya Faith. We got her play area set up and it's SOOO cute. Now she has a safe place to play, and if she takes a tumble, doesn't get any major injuries. She got her first cold and fever on Thursday thanks to daycare (gotta love mothers who refuse to medicate their sick child) and then Roy had it by Saturday. Luckily, I've been given a reprieve this time around **fingers crossed**. She's started using a sippy cup - doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, but we're working on it. She also waved "hello" for the first time on Saturday, but that's still pretty irregular at this point. It was more of a mimick action than really understanding what it meant - though it was still cute :) We're gearing up for Halloween, which is just around the corner...can't wait. Stay tuned for tons of pics of Rya in her first costume :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

7 months old and growing...

My baby girl is 7 months old today! We've passed the halfway mark and are heading for that BIG milestone...1 YEAR. Geesh, I'm not sure I'm ready for that :) Thank goodness I have 5 more months to prepare...though if they go as fast as these last 7 months, it won't make a difference.

As for Rya...she's doing fabulously. She's crawling, pulling herself up on everything to stand up, babbling all the time, letting me know when she's NOT happy, and so much more. She's a smart daycare, there is a walker that has a tray on front where Debra keeps small snacks for the kids (Cheerios, Fruit Loops, etc.). Well, Rya sees the older kids grab stuff all day long and finally decided that she wanted to give it a go. Debra looked over and there was Rya with a handful of Cheerios. We're not giving her solid foods like that yet, but I guess she decided that she was ready for them anyways (even with no teeth). We'll see how all that goes. Baby food doesn't seem to be all that appealing to her (with the exception of apple sauce and sweet potatoes - she LOVES those 2 things) so I might call the pediatrician and see what's ok for her to have. always...a few pictures that we've taken lately. We're hoping to get our living room set up with a giant area rug and some gates so she can have her own little safe play area with all of the toys we're starting to collect. I'll make sure to take pics when we finally have it set up.

Her new Leap Frog Toy...

We got it off Craigslist at 50% off the original price :)

Yup - still sucking the thumb and holding her "blankie"

Her and Alex are still bestest buds

She decided that she needed to explore under her bouncer...Mom went into a panic because she didn't see her right away :)

This is Rya with Uncle Nic (Roy's sister Michelle's boyfriend). She adores him...

and his hat too :) We just might need to find her a little hat of her own.

And finally - a picture of my 2 favorite people :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

More, more, more...

Just a quick picture update...she's growing up SO fast!!

This is what Dad found when he got her out of the car - she was completely ASLEEP!

Her new ducky tub

She LOVES the little plastic duck!!

One of her cool onesies created by Jen

Can we say ATTITUDE??

EVERYTHING goes in the mouth!!

Getting ready for "school" (aka daycare)

The other cool onesie from Jen

We're gonna get the matching bow-headbands too :)

Her new V-Tech nursery rhyme book...she loves it!

Her new walker we got on Craigslist for $10!!

Mommy's little HAM :)