Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Some baby stuff...

Here is a collection of random photos...some of the larger items that we have for Rya, her room, and a couple pics of me at 30 weeks and 5 days - shocking stuff :)

We're doing hardwood in her room, so the crib will be set up in a couple weeks. We're also working on getting the rest of the decorations for her room finished. It's been slow going, but we'll get it done eventually :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

We've arrived...at the Third Trimester

I'm 28 weeks today folks. That means that I'm officially in the third trimester and have less than 3 months to go before little Rya arrives. The nursery isn't painted (though it should be this Saturday - Roy...are you reading this!! I said SATURDAY...haha!!), the crib isn't set up, there are still a BILLION things we need and maybe, just maybe...I'm starting to panic a little. There's so much to get done, and so much going on with the holidays and all that I'm just hoping everything falls into place with as little hassle as possible.

Where did the first 6 months go? It's a little hard to imagine that in less than 3 months I will be a MOMMY! I'll be fully responsible for another life...and that's just a tad bit scary (wonderful, but scary). I think I'm up to the challenge :)

I'm grateful for all the support I've had through this experience! I can't wait for Rya to arrive so she can be introduced to the TERRIFIC family and friends we have. She's going to be completely blessed!

Friday, December 1, 2006

90 days and counting...

Wow...I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I saw the ticker on my page this morning and it says I only have 90 days to go. WOWSERS! Technically, it could be even less than that if Rya decides she wants to arrive early. There's so much to do before then that it's a little overwhelming...but I'm so anxious to finally get to hold her!

As you can see from my pictures, I've gotten pretty big. If you saw me from the back, you probably wouldn't even know that I was pregnant. The side view, however, is a little bit frightening . It's gotten to the point where I have to wear Roy's t-shirts to bed because none of mine will fit comfortably over my belly. We've also had a cold front come through the last couple of days with the highs around 55 degrees or so...I've had to wear Roy's fleece jackets because none of mine were big enough to zip in front. I'm still pretty comfortable, and feeling pretty good. I put socks on today for the first time in MONTHS, and that was ALOT harder than I remember it being...bending over is becoming almost imposssible because my belly gets in the way...haha!

I have my next doctor appointment on Tuesday - which starts the "every two weeks" schedule. I also get to take the lovely glucose test to check for diabetes...fun stuff! Then, on Dec. 12th, we're getting a 3D/4D ultrasound done. I can't wait!! I'll post the pics and possibly the video up for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Oh, and not only am I excited about Rya's arrival, but with that comes the arrival of family that I haven't seen in over a year. They'll get to check out our new house, the puppies, and of course, Rya. Yay :)

At the moment, life is good and that brings a smile to my face!