Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Some baby stuff...

Here is a collection of random photos...some of the larger items that we have for Rya, her room, and a couple pics of me at 30 weeks and 5 days - shocking stuff :)

We're doing hardwood in her room, so the crib will be set up in a couple weeks. We're also working on getting the rest of the decorations for her room finished. It's been slow going, but we'll get it done eventually :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

We've arrived...at the Third Trimester

I'm 28 weeks today folks. That means that I'm officially in the third trimester and have less than 3 months to go before little Rya arrives. The nursery isn't painted (though it should be this Saturday - Roy...are you reading this!! I said SATURDAY...haha!!), the crib isn't set up, there are still a BILLION things we need and maybe, just maybe...I'm starting to panic a little. There's so much to get done, and so much going on with the holidays and all that I'm just hoping everything falls into place with as little hassle as possible.

Where did the first 6 months go? It's a little hard to imagine that in less than 3 months I will be a MOMMY! I'll be fully responsible for another life...and that's just a tad bit scary (wonderful, but scary). I think I'm up to the challenge :)

I'm grateful for all the support I've had through this experience! I can't wait for Rya to arrive so she can be introduced to the TERRIFIC family and friends we have. She's going to be completely blessed!

Friday, December 1, 2006

90 days and counting...

Wow...I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I saw the ticker on my page this morning and it says I only have 90 days to go. WOWSERS! Technically, it could be even less than that if Rya decides she wants to arrive early. There's so much to do before then that it's a little overwhelming...but I'm so anxious to finally get to hold her!

As you can see from my pictures, I've gotten pretty big. If you saw me from the back, you probably wouldn't even know that I was pregnant. The side view, however, is a little bit frightening . It's gotten to the point where I have to wear Roy's t-shirts to bed because none of mine will fit comfortably over my belly. We've also had a cold front come through the last couple of days with the highs around 55 degrees or so...I've had to wear Roy's fleece jackets because none of mine were big enough to zip in front. I'm still pretty comfortable, and feeling pretty good. I put socks on today for the first time in MONTHS, and that was ALOT harder than I remember it being...bending over is becoming almost imposssible because my belly gets in the way...haha!

I have my next doctor appointment on Tuesday - which starts the "every two weeks" schedule. I also get to take the lovely glucose test to check for diabetes...fun stuff! Then, on Dec. 12th, we're getting a 3D/4D ultrasound done. I can't wait!! I'll post the pics and possibly the video up for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Oh, and not only am I excited about Rya's arrival, but with that comes the arrival of family that I haven't seen in over a year. They'll get to check out our new house, the puppies, and of course, Rya. Yay :)

At the moment, life is good and that brings a smile to my face!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Are you tired of all the pictures yet??

Just a few updated pictures. This is me at 26 weeks 5 days! Only about a week to go before I hit the third trimester. Supposedly this is the time when little Rya will almost triple in weight...I'm just hoping that doesn't mean that I'm going to get even BIGGER! Yikes!! :)

Ok, there's only so much stretching skin can do...

And mine is about at it's limits!!


Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving slideshow

Just thought I'd share our Thanksgiving pics with all of you! Hope everyone had a GREAT day!!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What a day...

It's definitely been one of THOSE days! Work was hectic...was late for my doctor appointment (which by the way, turned out completely normal)...then, I get home and I had to pack up all of my cats things because their new owner came to pick them up. It's seriously like losing two of my babies. I'm trying to stay calm and not get too emotional, but I can't seem to stop crying. I had been having some behavioral issues with them ever since I got pregnant. The vet says it has something to do with my hormones. Still - it SUCKS!

Ok, enough whining...here are some updated pictures for you all (24 wks 5 days):

Thursday, November 2, 2006

23 Week Pictures

So this is me at 23 weeks. Not quite 6 months and already this big...should be some interesting pictures come 8 and 9 months!! Hahaha :)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What's in a name??

So I just realized that I hadn't posted on this very important topic...

Roy and I have decided on a name. (After much debate and him telling me that my ideas were too 'old-lady sounding' - pshhhh!!).

Because McCormack is a longer last name with all the hard syllables, we wanted a first name that was short and sweet. The name we choose will actually give her Roy's initials - at least until she gets married. So what is it you ask??? Our little girl's name will be...

(pronounced Rye-a, like rye bread with a soft a)

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm sorry - are you talking to me??

What is it about pregnancy that turns your average, everyday person (ya know, the kind that would typically ignore you and move on) to the chatty, wanna-be-your-best friend type of people?? Up until recently, I led a nice quiet existence. I could walk into a store, bank, etc and go pretty much unnoticed and unbothered. Now all of a sudden everyone and their mothers are striking up conversations.

Today was a perfect example. I head to the bank on my lunch time and the teller starts asking me if I'm pregnant and is it a boy or girl - blah, blah, blah. Then she asks when I'm due. I tell her March 1st and watch as her eyes go wide. Then she says "wow, you've got a ways to go yet...there's nothin to you so I guess the baby has nowhere to go but out." I'm not sure if that's a compliment or her way of telling me "DAMN GIRL, you're HUGE!"

Less then 5 minutes later I'm standing at the Subway counter ordering my lunch. This old guy enters (yes, unfortunately it's snowbird season and they're flocking back here by the dozens) and before he takes 2 steps into the place, he shouts out - for everyone to hear - "If that's what this place does to you when you eat here, maybe I should leave now" and proceeds to point at me.

Believe it or not, I'm not terribly upset by the growing number of conversations I'm having with perfect strangers. That's probably a shocker for those of you who know me as being super quiet and shy. It will definitely be a challenge for me though, as I'm not used to opening up to people I don't know.

Guess the next step is all the weirdos who will come up and just start touching my belly. Conversation is one thing - invading my bubble is something else entirely. Maybe I should have shirts printed that say "Back away from the belly!!"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

About time!

Well, it took me over 2 weeks to get the ultrasound pictures scanned in (blame it on the chaos of the move and the craziness of last week). BUT - here they are for your viewing pleasure :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

20 Weeks Pic

Just another update - this time with the latest Belly pic. I think I've already outgrown Mom when she was 7 mos prego with me. I've included that pic for comparison :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Halfway Point

Well, today I reached the halfway point. Yup - I'm 20 weeks with 20 left to go. It's pretty crazy how quickly time is flying by.

Nothing new to report really. I think I may have felt our little girl move, but it hasn't been anything significant yet. I guess due to her location, it's hindering me from feeling her movements much, but that should change within the next couple of weeks when they start getting stronger.

For anyone interested, there should be more information out shortly about a possible "Internet Baby Shower". With all my friends and family scattered across the country, we thought this might be the easiest way to do it. I've started registries at a couple sites and all the info will be included. [NOTE: this is by no means a solicitation - it's only for those who have made comments about it]

Otherwise, life has been chaotic as usual. Roy is feeling pretty crappy with a severe toothache. The dentist has him on antibiotics and some pain meds to get him by until the infection is gone and he can get the treatments he needs. We don't have dental insurance, so that's going to be a hefty out-of-pocket sum.

Then, yesterday morning I was in the shower and the faucet came shooting off the wall and hit my foot. I'm thinking it's just badly bruised, but it still hurts if I walk too much or put too much pressure on it. We've got a friend coming over this morning to help us fix it. More money out of pocket!

So that's the update for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Take care and keep in touch!!

Monday, October 2, 2006


Roy got his wish :) We're both absolutely ecstatic!! Now it's time to decide on a name and start shopping for adorable little things for the nursery! Wow - it was amazing to see our little girl move around and even throw some punches (which I'm not feeling yet). I hope to get the ultrasound pics up here shortly :) YAY!!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Totally off the subject

I've had a request (well, actually it was said sarcastically, but I figured what the heck) to post some pictures of my puppy - Alex on here too. (It seems those who don't check MySpace feel left out and I just couldn't let this happen. So here they are :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A little late

This is a couple weeks late (this is me at 14 weeks) - but figured I'd post it up anyways.
This is just a few weeks later - at 17 weeks!! I'm gonna be bigger than a house!!!

And we've got a live one folks!

So I had a doctor's appointment today. All is going great! Baby's heart rate measured at 152 which is well within the normal limits. The tech said that we had one active baby - everytime she would find the heartbeat with the doppler, Little Mack would move and she'd have to go searching again.

The long awaited ultrasound is now scheduled for October 2nd at 12:45pm. We will finally get to find out if we're having a boy or girl, that is if Little Mack decides to cooperate and open his/her legs for us :)

We're also set to close on our new house Oct. 5th (can we say excitement packed week or what?). We'll be moving 15-20 minutes away to Mesa - into our 4 br, 2 bath house. We're stoked!! That means my dream of being able to decorate a nursery is about to come true - YIPPEE!

So yeah - that's the latest and greatest. It's been a quiet couple of weeks as far as the baby is concerned. Not much happening, and I've been feeling well. Gotta love the second trimester :)

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Dealing with my past...

Paranoia - yup, that about somes up my feelings this last week or so. Nope, nothing has happened. Baby and I are trekking along just fine. It's just this completely irrational fear that has been plaguing me lately. Without all the pregnancy symptoms (since most of them have left me now that I'm in the 2nd trimester) it's like my mind just doesn't believe I'm pregnant. Even looking down at my ever-expanding wasteline isn't proof enough that there is another life growing inside me.

I belong to another forum called Pregnancy after miscarriage and many of the women are dealing with the same issues. It's completely normal - and yet I wish there was something I could do to make the worry and fear go away. Of course - I know that once the movement and kicking starts, that'll be one source of reassurance. Another will be when I get to hear the heartbeat again. But, as always, I'm impatient and wish I could get rid of this sense of uneasiness NOW!

So, yeah - I'm sure Little McCormack is just fine and dandy. His momma just needs to take a chill pill and put her faith back where it belongs.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Well...Little Mack had quite an exciting weekend!!

Friday night was the Faith and Tim concert. It was awesome (though the show 5 years ago was a tad bit better - the chemisty between Faith and Tim just wasn't the same this time around - though the stage setup and our seats ROCKED!!) Poor Roy - Little Mack is going to grow up liking country music after this concert and Rascal Flatts a month ago :)

Saturday, I was in a minor accident - don't worry, Baby and I were unharmed - though I can't say the same for my car. Some idiot girl went to change lanes and almost hit the car in front of me, she swerves partially back into her lane allowing the other car to get passed her, then she immediately heads back into my lane and hits the front of my car and ends up pushing my car into a parking lot (despite my honking incessantly!) In the end, she got the ticket - and a lecture about how it is ultimately her responsibility to make sure the lane is clear before merging over :P

Sunday, Dan and I went to the Diamondbacks/Dodgers game. We had a blast! The field is covered and air conditioned during the hot summer months, and is just awesome. Sadly, the D-backs lost 6-3 :(

So that was our weekend. Tonight we're back on the house hunt. We've got 4 houses to look at and my fingers are crossed. I'd really like to get into a house before the end of the year (if not sooner because Little Mack is due at the beginning of March and our lease is up Feb 14!! That's just insanity).

As for the rest of the week, it'll be a short one with Labor Day coming up. We're heading down to Rocky Point, Mexico for some fun in the sun...not that we can't get that here in AZ, but still!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Whoa Baby!

Well, today is the day. I'm officially in the second trimester - which means anyone reading this has gotten my announcement email. It's such a relief, though I wasn't at all sure it would be. I think it's slowly becoming more real...the uncertainty fading. Roy is talking about the baby more often...even buying salads for us to split because "someone has to make sure the baby is getting the right food"...haha! My belly is growing bigger by the day...and yes, I've already had to buy maternity pants. The pic to the right was taken at about 11 weeks...I think I'm even bigger now. I'll try to take these regularly so you can all watch me get as big as a house :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This was too cute not to post

Lesson Learned...

Today I learned a VERY important lesson:

Pregnant women should NOT try and take out the garbage - the smell is enough to make you sick for the rest of the day!!

Getting ready to spread the word...

Well, it's August 17, 2006 and there's one week to go before most of you will see this. I'm 12 weeks today, and had my second prenatal visit. Everything looks good, and we were able to hear a strong heartbeat using the Doppler at the office. The nurse practitioner said that hearing the heartbeat is a VERY good sign, and that the risk of miscarriage drops significantly when this occurs. Needless to say, it was a HUGE relief.

It's seems like ever since I found out I was pregnant (which was June 30th by the way), I've been trying to remain positive. With my history, this wasn't easy...but I finally feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief, and can start digging into the plans for our little one :)