Friday, July 17, 2009

2 month check up...

Keaton had his 2 month check up yesterday. He's a happy, healthy baby weighing in at 13lbs 7oz (87%) and is 24 inches long (86%). He's sleeping about 6-7 hours a night and eating 4-5oz a feeding. He's smiling and cooing and loves to watch his big sister Rya play around the house. He starts daycare on Monday (yes, I'm super sad about that)...and Rya will get to check-in on her little brother throughout the day.

Rya is doing great - talking up a storm. Man, does she come up with some killer lines. We're still working on the potty training, which I seriously think is the hardest part of Mommyhood so far. She has her good days and bad, but we're hoping that someday soon we can say Goodbye pull-ups :)

As you can see, I have my hands full these days...between my growing little boy and my intelligent little girl I find myself with very little down time. On the rare occasion I have a few minutes to myself, I can usually be found on Facebook or updating this blog.

Here are a few updated pictures for your viewing pleasure :)