Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A year has gone by...

It was a year ago yesterday...a precious little girl joined our family and nothing has been the same since. Our days are longer, our nights are shorter, laughter and frustration often go hand in hand - and we wouldn't have it any other way. We're truly blessed and we thank God every day that Rya Faith is in our lives.

Her party on Saturday was a HUGE success. She got a lot of great gifts and is now absolutely spoiled rotten :) Thanks to everyone that was here! (Aunt Carlene bought her a potty training seat - I think she was trying to tell us something...haha). Check out the pictures - there's a TON of them!!

Rya had her 12 month check up today. She's 20 pounds 5 ounces (50th percentile). Her head measurement is just over 18 inches (between the 75th and 80th percentile). She's 31 3/4 inches long (over the 95th percentile). In other words, she's still tall and pretty lean. The doctor checked her sternum again and thinks that Rya is growing into it...it's very slowly becoming less noticeable. Her belly button still has a small hernia, and they'll continue to watch that until she's 3. If it hasn't healed by then, they'll refer her for a minor surgery to close it up. She got 4...count 'em 4 shots...one in each arm and 2 in her left leg! OUCH!! But she took them like a pro and is doing really well!

She's walking...and walking...and walking...and Mommy just wishes she could sit and relax :) She's also talking quite a bit - the doctor says she's ahead of the game as far as words go...we've got "dog" and "duck" which pretty much sound identical ("doe" and "duh" respectively) and get a little obnoxious because EVERYTHING falls into one of those two categories. She also loves to say "all done". She's starting to say "ba-bye"...but only when she wants to. If you ask her where her belly button is, she'll touch it. If you ask her to pick something up and bring it to you, she usually does. Her newest accomplishment...when you say "big girl" she raises her arms over her head - I'm still trying to catch this one on camera.

We've turned her carseat around to face the front - YIPPEE! She just stares out the window at all she's been missing. She's now off formula and has started whole milk and more solid foods...which she is ECSTATIC about. Tonight was goulash - and she LOVED it. So far, this girl loves food of any kind. Now it's getting her familar with using a spoon so she can feed herself (Mommy has high hopes). She has her 4 front top teeth and almost 4 front bottom teeth (3 are in and the 4th is on it's way)...with more coming. YIKES!

And I guess that about sums it up. I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I'm missing...it seems like every day she's surprising me with something else she's learned. It's hard for me to keep up. Now it's time for me to take a few minutes for myself...before the little Monkey needs to wake up and take a bath...ahhhh...the joys of Mommyhood! I LOVE IT :)

Below is a slideshow of pictures from her party and other more recent ones...