Friday, April 25, 2008

A recent pics slideshow...

A video of my little Chatterbox :)

Just another day in this CHAOS!

It's been a bit since I've updated everyone - or at least since I typed up one of these blogs that few people even care about :) The husband and daughter just happen to be sleeping and I found myself with some "alone" time (YippEE!!! ) so here I am.

It's been a very hectic few months here in AZ. I had taken a new job at the end of February that just didn't work out....I don't think I was really meant to clean dirty, wax crusted hearing aids - I was hired as the Office Manager for pete's sake! Anyways...I was able to start a new job this past Monday as a Project Specialist with the direct mail division of the main newspaper in town. I'm slowly getting adjusted, but it seems like it's going to be a GREAT fit. PLUS...I know people I work with (Carlene and Tom)...which is definitely nice after a couple of years of working primarily by myself. So things are on the upswing for me - though I don't get nearly as much time on MySpace...can we say withdrawals anyone??

As for Roy, he sold his moving business and has started the process of getting into the Mesa Police Department. It will be a very long, tedious journey and he will have to find something to get us by until the January academy, but he's excited.

We also did some car swapping...we sold my Jeep and traded in Roy's truck on a Mazda3 for myself. More economical in the long run - it's WAY better on gas. Roy FINALLY got an older used car Wednesday night - which has relieved a ton of my off just one vehicle for a few weeks was REALLY hectic and nerve wracking. PHEW - that's a load off :)

As for Rya...geez, what can I say? She's 14 months old today and I just really don't know where the time is going. She's now saying tons of new words including "no, no, no" (which Mama just LOVES), "apple" and "Abby" for Abby Caddaby (Elmo's best friend). She's become a total sucker for Elmo - we've gotten a couple Elmo videos, one that teaches opposites and another that has favorite kids songs...and she just LOVES them. Roy can now hand her something and say "take this to mommy" and 9 times out of 10 she'll bring it right to me. We're having a bit of trouble getting her off the bottle ("baba") but we're not too worried about it. The doctor had just mentioned that she should be off completely by 15 months or so...guess we'll just continue to work on it...any suggestions??

Other than that, we're just zipping through each day wondering where the hours have gone. The weather is GREAT right now, though it's heating up here in AZ (should be close to 100 degrees this weekend) but it's still nice enough to spend lots of time enjoying the warmth and the sun...which means even less time to spend on here, which is probably a good thing
Take care everyone - big hugs from AZ!!

Lil' Miss Chatterbox

(originally posted 04/06/08)

I am in LOVE with being a Mommy!!

While chasing after a 13 mo old is exhausting...Mommyhood has never been more fun! She’s a little sponge, just soaking up every little bit of information she comes in contact with. It’s time Mommy and Daddy really watch what they do and say :)

Her newest words..."nana" for banana. We were at Aunt Carlene’s and she pointed to the sky and said "airplane". We were all shocked!! When we’re driving down the road, she’ll say "go, go, go". She’s perfected "ba bye" and "ni ni" for nite nite. We sat down to read one of her favorite books and she points to the front cover and blurts out, "Elmo". I was like..."ROY, DID YOU HEAR THAT?!?!" Haha! She says "baba" for bottle and is now starting to say "daddy" and "mommy". If she wants to know what something is, she says "dat", which I’m pretty sure is supposed to be "that".

She can point to her ears, toes, legs, belly button and sometimes her nose and mouth when she really wants to. When she sits and "reads" a book, she points her finger and follows the words. She’s starting to get a hang of shapes and the whole square peg, square hole thing...we’re still working on it. Ducks and books continue to be a couple of her favorite things.

I’m just constantly amazed at how quickly she learns and how fast she’s growing up. She is my beautiful little girl, and I’m so proud to be her Mommy. Yes, I know I’m going to have my hands full as she grows up...Lil’ Miss Chatterbox...she’s just too much like her Daddy ;)