Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2 Months already - can you believe it??


Rya had her 2 month check up today. She's up to 11.5 pounds (I think she's actually closer to 12, but she wouldn't stay still on the scale) and 23.5 inches long - almost TWO FEET!! She was not very happy about getting 4 shots (1 in her arm, 1 in her left leg, and 2 in her right leg), but went right to sleep when we got her in the car (Mommy also had the foresight to give her a little Infant Tylenol before we went to the appointment to head off some of the fussiness and fever that might pop up later today or tomorrow). The new doc did mention that there is a slight indentation where her sternum is - probably from her rib cage forming slightly inward. I guess it's pretty common and isn't too much of a concern since Rya is, overall, a very healthy baby. They'll keep an eye on it and do an x-ray at 4 or 6 months just to see how far inward it formed, but it still shouldn't be an issue. I guess Roy has something similar but his formed outward, so it might be a genetic thing. Could be that she grows out of it too...afterall, she was awfully crammed in mommy's tummy!

I can't believe it's been 2 months already! It seems like just yesterday we were waiting so eagerly for her to arrive and now she's growing faster than we can keep up with! I actually had to go out and buy some 3-6 month sleepers and onesies because she's getting too long for her 0-3 month stuff. Shoot - she's even almost too long for her changing's CRAZY! We've gotten into a pretty good bedtime routine and she's sleeping about 6-7 hours a night now, then goes back down for another 2 or so after being fed and changed. Yeah, I know...I'm pretty lucky :)

Anyways...that's the update for now. Rya is doing fabulously and is now anxiously awaiting the arrival of Auntie Renee here sometime next week. YAY :) Hope everyone's week is going well! Take care and baby kisses to all :)

Mama and Rya

Little Miss Rya

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Baby Withdrawal

What is it about this time of day that I start getting melancholy? Then I get irritable because I'm melancholy. Then I get tired because I'm just sick of being melancholy and irritable.

I'm going to call it baby withdrawal. The act of leaving one's newborn child with someone else appears to be the cause of this phenomenon.

Obviously I'm back to work after 8 weeks of maternity leave. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my job! The people have become like a second family to me and I make decent money and have awesome insurance. It's just that I don't feel like I'm where I should be when I'm at work during the day. It's like the other piece of my heart is calling out to me, telling me that I need to come and collect it so that I feel whole again. Then I get home and have a few short hours before it's time to get my little one bathed and into bed (yeah...I'm trying to create a little bedtime routine for Rya - Baby Einstein Lullaby Classics included).

Now - most would think that this is just the normal separation anxiety that any new mother would feel upon returning to work. Then I guess you could call me abnormal (you can keep the sarcastic replies to this statement to yourself thank you!) because it feels so much more intense then just simple separation anxiety. Maybe I just need to accept the fact that I will never be a millionaire (no matter how many PowerBall tickets Roy buys) and that I will forever be part of the average working household (no matter how many times I try to come up with some ridiculous scheme that would allow me to stay at home with Rya - Paco pointed out that the tanning salon owner idea was a little unrealistic - BUMMER!).


I mean seriously - why did some chick have to go and fuck it up for the rest of us women who would be perfectly content to stay at home and raise our children and take care of our families? Ok...yeah, so we get to vote and we get supposed equal workplace rights. Oh...the freedom to speak our minds is a good thing too I suppose, otherwise I wouldn't even be voicing these thoughts right now...but still! Big deal! I want the right to sit on my fat ass and play on the internet all day if I so choose. Hmm...actually that wouldn't really help that fat ass problem now would it? Well, I could try and promise to go for walks and maybe meet up with other mother's in the area - there - that's better! And I suppose I could get used to having dinner ready when the husband got home from his hard day. See - I'm willing to make concessions! Sometimes I wish I could just have a conversation with the person who started all of this and tell them how their actions have changed society and how most children are being raised by people other than their parents. I'm still a firm believer that children are the way they are today from lack of parental guidance. Not necessarily neglect, but simple lack of time due to busy work schedules and daily life. Ok, Ok...enough before my head explodes.

So that leaves me here - typing this blog that people will probably read and assume that I'm being overly dramatic. Well :P to you (that's me sticking out my tongue in case you didn't get it). I'm entitled to my feelings - no matter how irrational they may be.

See...there I go. The irritability is setting in again. TO BE CONTINUED...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Crib Sleeping 101

Rya is now officially sleeping in her crib. She had grown too long for the bassinet and it was time to move her to her own room, and own bed. It's funny because she looks so little in her's adorable. The first night was a little rocky, but last night was AWESOME! She slept for 7 and a half hours straight, then was fed and changed and went right back to sleep for another 4 hours. Of course, I had to get up around the 6.5 hour mark to make sure she was still ok...haha. Hopefully this sleep pattern is a sign of good things to sleeping through the can only hope :)

We had family pictures taken yesterday along with Rya's 1 month pics. Will try to get them scanned in and posted when we pick them up at the end of the month.

Other than that, all is well. Rya is growing everyday and getting more and more personality. She's grinning more often and has major neck control. She's even come close to rolling over to her belly a couple times - which is insane! We have a really strong little girl. I head back to work in 2 weeks. I can't believe how fast time flew by! We have an interview with a possible daycare on Wednesday evening, so say a prayer that this works out.

Hope everyone enjoys their week! HAPPY EASTER :)